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let us make our future now, and let us make our dreams tomorrow’s reality – malala yousafzai
Thank you for reading. This website – and my work – exists to help find answers to questions I believe should concern us all.
Will our legacy be like Star Trek First Contact – or will we have rampant killer robots like in Terminator, haves-and-have-nots like in Elysium? Are we on an inevitable path to ecological collapse like in Interstellar? In such films, humanity (or a tribe) is usually saved by a small yet diverse team of heroes. Our problems are too big and complex for a single team. We need thousands, perhaps millions, of teams of heroes, each addressing a part of the whole.
I hope these pages awaken your curiosity and strengthen your resolve to take meaningful action. With gratitude, Sunil
Our future is being shaped moment-by-moment by the sum of the choices we all make – as citizens, consumers, workers and investors. Megatrends are colliding and unpredictable change is accelerating. We can sense a road to a possible future where we have harnessed technology and created a sustainable dignified life for all humans, but there are cliff edges to this road. What will be the impact of climate change, artificial intelligence and wealth inequality? Will our markets and democracies survive? Will our species survive?
Just as the driving conditions have become more hazardous and requiring more of our attention, we have put a brick on the accelerator and allowed a few billionaires – who apparently do not care enough for the many or for future generations – to occupy the driving seat. Leaving the car is not an option, we are in this together.
Your hand, your heart, your mind and your attention might be needed to help steer humanity to safety.
Previous generations have gone to war to fight for what they believed in. Our generation must mobilize an army of articulate influencers – people who stay curious, take pioneering action and share their learnings – that helps citizens, consumers, workers and investors to wake up and act in accordance with their long term interests.
never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has – margaret mead
Our success in driving change depends on the resources each of us brings to the table (skills, money, network), our awareness of problems to be solved and the building blocks of new solutions, the space we give to creativity, and the actions we take to prototype and scale up. Together we can share awareness, support creativity and hold each other accountable for action.
Business leaders, coaches, facilitators and change agents who want to explore the future of commerce, democracy and society are invited to come together here. Topics could include:
– How do we ensure that our elected politicians have an adequate understanding of the issues?
– What should organizations and employees do to stay relevant as artificial intelligence takes over tasks?
– How can consumers put pressure on corporations to behave responsibly?
– If full employment is no longer necessary, how will we distribute wealth to those no longer in work?
– If we no longer have to work, how will we find meaning in life?
the change is from inner to outer – we start by dissolving our attitude not by altering outer conditions – bruce lee
We will be more successful in driving change if we are ourselves willing to change: to pay attention to our blind spots and to step repeatedly out of comfort zones to develop capacities that support the projects we want to drive. It is challenging to make such moves consistently over time without the support of a skilled outsider who can take an objective look at you, your goals, your habits and your situation. Are you interested in support for you or your organization?
I offer coaching, consulting and training services through Beyond Either Or, where I am a founding partner.
coaching services
Whether you require coaching just for you or for 100 people, our Integral Master Coaches™ deliver customized programs that move you consistently towards your goals in effective ways you do not yet imagine possible.
other services
We can support you with organizational assessment, skills and cultural development, and organizational design. We can help you design and deliver training programs and retreats.